
Recette de Faustine.

* 2 lb of pok ribs 1/2,
thick bacon, slim ends, etc...
* A big thumb og ginger.
* 5 garlic gloves.
* 1 can of coconut cream.
* 1/2 cup of sugar
1 can coconut milk
+ 3/4 cup sugar.

* 1/4 cup of soya sauce.
* rice + carrots, beansprout, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, eventually fresh coriander...



Marinade : (for one hour or whole day !)
mix the soya sauce, the mashed garlic, the gratted ginger in a bowl * dice the meat with its fat * barely finish to cover with water * let it be 2 hrs...

ooking : put the sugar dry to caramelize dark brown bubbling in a thick pan * sautee lightly the meat for a few mn to get the color on all sides * add the marinade and the white of coconut cream or all the can if coconut milk * allow to cook peacefully for 1 hr 1/2 at a little boil, the juice will reduce quite well.
Side dish : dice the veg. of your choice, remove some juice from the meat pan and use it with some more water to cook the veg. (optional)
Rice as usul, to be frim & dry.
Serve the rice, cover with meat dices. Top with veg & juice.
Sharpen your chopsticks... Et voilà !











Recette de Faustine.

- Allo, Anu,
- would you have
- a recipe for Dhaal ?

- Yes, of course, which way ?
- the way I cook it ?

- Yes; I trust you.
- So, you take, hofd on,
- l have a question
- to my Mum'
- Mummy, here is Faustine
- on the phone for yo
- Yees, Faustine, tell me.
- See Anty, I have a friend
- who's helding
- a big Indian diner, he said
- he woufd shop my head
- if I didn't send him
a good recipe for Dhaal
- Now nice!!


Les Yellows Dhaal de Gopi Anty, for 10 people

- Take one ordinary drinking glass of tuur dhaal, yellow ones, you know, rright ?
- Sure Anty.
Then you putt them in the cooker, the pressure cooker, you wash them niicely, you add two pinches of haaldy, you know what it is, turmeric powder, with two niice tomatoes, also finely chopp', and threeee green chilies, cut into rings, and salt to taste. You add two glasses of water and you close the cooker. When the pressure comes, you reduce the gas for ten minutes. You mash the whole dzing with a spoon and then you add the seasoning. You know for the seasonning ?
- No, Anty, tell me.
You putt littttle oil in a sauce pan, with one smoool spoon of mustard seeds, five curry leaves, one small spoon of urut, these white dhaal, you know ? and two garlic heads also mashed. You leave it, as soon as the mustard seeds pop and the urut turns brown, you switch off the gas and mix it nicely with the dhaal. You can put on top some siseled coriander leaves. Oh, God, I forgot with the tuur, one chop' onion, so sorrry. Will you be able to cook it, you should come home !
-Yes Anty, I wish I would !

.......pour Anne, 3 mars 1998













